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    Wednesday, July 16, 2008

    Application : XXRLT Custom Application
    Data Group : XXRLTGroup
    Request Group : XXRLT Request Group
    Responsibility : XXRLT Custom

    1) Make the directory structure for your custom application files.

    cd $APPL_TOP
    mkdir xxrlt
    mkdir xxrlt/12.0.0
    mkdir xxrlt/12.0.0/admin
    mkdir xxrlt/12.0.0/admin/sql
    mkdir xxrlt/12.0.0/admin/odf
    mkdir xxrlt/12.0.0/sql
    mkdir xxrlt/12.0.0/bin
    mkdir xxrlt/12.0.0/reports
    mkdir xxrlt/12.0.0/reports/US
    mkdir xxrlt/12.0.0/forms
    mkdir xxrlt/12.0.0/forms/US
    mkdir xxrlt/12.0.0/lib
    mkdir xxrlt/12.0.0/out
    mkdir xxrlt/12.0.0/log

    2) Add the custom module into the environment

    cd $APPL_TOP

    vi customPROD_app01.env
    export XXRLT_TOP
    source the environment file ( /sandb1/oracle/PROD/apps/apps_st/appl/APPSPROD_pkgprod.env )

    Make entry to context file



    cd $INST_TOP/admin/install
    sh adgentopfile.sh

    Open new session, source environment file, and stop middle tier services, run autoconfig
    Open new session, source environment file, check for custom top in topfile.txt in $APPL_TOP/admin, start the middle tier services.

    3) create tablespace XXRLT datafile '/sandb1/oracle/PROD/db/apps_st/data/xxrlt01.dbf' size 500M

    4) create user xxrlt identified by xxrlt
    default tablespace xxrlt
    temporary tablespace temp1
    quota unlimited on xxrlt
    grant connect, resource to xxrlt;

    5) Register your Oracle Schema.
    Login to Applications with System Administrator responsibility
    Navigate to Application-->Register
    Application = XXRLT Custom Application
    Short Name = XXRLT
    Basepath = XXRLT_TOP
    Description = XXRLT Custom Application

    6) Register Oracle User
    Naviate to Security-->Oracle-->Register
    Database User Name = XXRLT
    Password = XXRLT
    Privilege = Enabled
    Install Group = 0
    Description = XXRLT Custom Application User

    7) Add Application to a Data Group
    Navigate to Security-->Oracle-->DataGroup
    Data Group = XXRLTGroup
    Description = XXRLT Custom Data Group
    Click on "Copy Applications from" and pick Standard data Group, then add the following entry.
    Application = XXRLT Custom
    Oracle ID = APPS
    Description = XXRLT Custom Application

    8) Create custom request group
    This will act as a placeholder for any custom reports we wish to make available for the Custom Responsibility (which is defined at a later stage)
    Navigate to Security-->responsbility-->Request
    Group = XXRLT Request Group
    Application = XXRLT Custom
    Code = XXRLT
    Description = XXRLT Custom Requests
    We will not define any requests to add to the group at this stage, but you can add some now if required.

    9) Create custom menu
    This will act as a placeholder for any menu items we wish to make available for the Custom Responsibility (which is defined at a later stage). We will create

    two menus, one for Core Applications and one for Self Service.
    Navigate to Application-->Menu
    User Menu Name = XXRLT Custom Application
    Menu Type =
    Description = XXRLT Custom Application Menu
    Seq = 100
    Prompt = View Requests
    Submenu =
    Function = View All Concurrent Requests
    Description = View Requests

    Seq = 110
    Prompt = Run Requests
    Submenu =
    Function = Requests: Submit
    Description = Submit Requests

    User Menu Name = XXRLT Custom Application SSWA
    Menu Type =
    Description = XXRLT Custom Application Menu for SSWA

    10) Create new responsibility. One for Core Applications and One for Self Service (SSWA)
    Navigate to Security-->Responsibility-->Define
    Responsibility Name = XXRLT Custom
    Application = XXRLT Custom
    Responsibility Key = XXRLTCUSTOM
    Description = XXRLT Custom Responsibility
    Available From = Oracle Applications
    Data Group Name = XXRLTGroup
    Data Group Application = XXRLT Custom
    Menu = XXRLT Custom Application
    Request Group Name = XXRLT Request Group

    Responsibility Name = XXRLT Custom SSWA
    Application = XXRLT Custom
    Responsibility Key = XXRLTCUSTOMSSWA
    Description = XXRLT Custom Responsibility SSWA
    Available From = Oracle Self Service Web Applications
    Data Group Name = XXRLTGroup
    Data Group Application = XXRLT Custom
    Menu = XXRLT Custom Application SSWA
    Request Group Name = XXRLT Request Group

    11) Add responsibility to user
    Navigate to Security-->User-->Define
    Add XXRLT Custom responsibility to users as required.

    12) Other considerations
    You are now ready to create your database Objects, custom Reports, Forms, Packages, etc

    Create the source code files in the XXRLT_TOP directory appropriate for the type of object. For example forms would be located in $XXRLT_TOP/forms/US or

    package source code in $XXRLT_TOP/admin/sql for example.

    Database Objects, such as tables, indexes and sequences should be created in the XXRLT schema, and then you need to
    a) Grant all privilege from each custom data object to the APPS schema.
    For example : logged in as XXRLT user
    grant all privileges on myTable to apps;

    b) Create a synonym in APPS for each custom data object
    For example : logged in as APPS user
    create synonym myTable for XXRLT.myTable;

    13) Login to sysadmin, Application Developer Responsibility

    Application > Form ( Register the form )
    Application > Funtion ( Add the form to a function )
    Application > Menu ( Attach the function to a menu )

    Menu that is added to a particular responsbility is given to specific user
    Security > User > Define


    posted by Lokesh Babu @ 2:52 AM   0 comments
    Enabling SSL for E-business suite

    application version –
    database version –
    Referred metalink document - 123718.1

    Common setups:

    Set this following settings in application user .bash_profile.
    #su – apple
    #vi .bash_profile

    Save and quit.

    Provide certificate for HTTP Server:
    Creating work directory to keep private key as well as certificate files.
    #mkdir /u01/oracle1/viscomn/admin/certs
    # mkdir /u01/oracle1/viscomn/admin/certs/apache
    # mkdir /u01/oracle1/viscomn/admin/certs/apache/ssl.crt
    # mkdir /u01/oracle1/viscomn/admin/certs/apache/ssl.key

    Edit the following value in .xml file.
    #vi /u01/oracle1/visappl/admin/visclone_visclone.xml

    Checking the value of RANDFILE in OPENSSL_CONF,
    It should be
    RANDFILE = $ENV::HOME/.rnd

    Creating server PEM-encoded private key file(apache_1024.key)
    #cd /u01/oracle1/viscomn/admin/certs/apache/
    Execute this following command ,
    $OPENSSL_TOP/bin/openssl genrsa -des3 -out apache_1024.key 1024
    it will ask to enter the PEM pass phrase:oneapps123
    (to avoid confusion give common password for all).

    Go to file $OPENSSL_CONF,
    And edit the follow line
    dir = ./demoCA as
    dir = . /u01/oracle1/viscomn/admin/certs/apache/
    (Specify directory which is created to keep the private and certificate files.
    Generating certificate signing request(CSR).
    #cd /u01/oracle1/viscomn/admin/certs/apache/
    Execute following command,
    $OPENSSL_TOP/bin/openssl req -config $OPENSSL_CONF -new -key apache_1024.key -out apache_1024.csr

    It will ask following details,

    Enter the PEM pass phrase :oneapps123
    Country Name(2 letter code) :IN
    State or Province Name :Karnataka
    Locality Name (e.g., City) :Bangalore
    Organization Name :oneAPPS
    Organizational Unit Name :httpserver
    Common Name :visclone.oneapps.com(hostname of your server)
    E-mail Address :kumaran@oneapps.com

    Remaining you can skip.

    Submitting certificate request(CSR) to certificate authority(CA)

    Go to the website www.verisign.com And search “trial certificate”.
    Just register for trial certificate and finally it will ask you to submit your CSR, copy the apache_1024.csr
    #cat /u01/oracle1/viscomn/admin/certs/apache/apache_1024.csr

    And paste in verisign site.(copy full content of the file, Don’t skip anything) And click submit. You will receive the certificate with in a hour.

    Creating the server PEM-encoded certificate file

    Do the pre-requisites which is mentioned in e-mail, you need to follow only the first step(ROOT CA certificate)
    In first link you will get the ROOT CA certificate copy and save in a.cer format in your local machine.
    Steps for Microsoft browser.
    1. open internet explorertoolsinternet optionscontentcertificatesimportnextselect file types all,select a.ceropennextselect Automatically

    select the certificate store based on the type of the certificateOKfinishYes.
    Steps for firefox browsers:
    1. open firefoxtoolsoptionsAdvancedveiw certificatesAuthoritiesimporta.ceropencheck trust this CA to identity websitesOk.
    Copy the certificate which you received in your e-mail and save it as a apache_1024.crt. then ftp to server
    $ ftp
    ftp>cd /u01/oracle1/viscomn/admin/certs/apache/
    ftp>put apache_1024.crt

    Creating the file of PEM-encoded Server Certificates(ca.crt)

    From your local machine,
    Open internet explorer.Go to Fileopenbrowse file apache_10247.crt click OK.
    In certificate window click certification path on the first linethen view certificatedetailscopy to filenext select Base-64 encoded X.509nextenter

    name as caexportclose.
    From your local machine,
    ftp>cd /u01/oracle1/viscomn/admin/certs/apache/
    ftp>put ca.crt

    Copy server key and certificate :

    In server machine,
    #cd $ COMMON_TOP/admin/certs/apache
    # cp apache_1024.crt $COMMON_TOP/admin/certs/apache/ssl.crt/server.crt
    # cp apache_1024.key $COMMON_TOP/admin/certs/apache/ssl.key/server.key
    # cp $APACHE_TOP/Apache/conf/ssl.crt/ca-bundle.crt $COMMON_TOP/admin/certs/apache/ssl.crt/ca-bundle.crt
    # cp ca.crt $COMMON_TOP/admin/certs/apache/ssl.crt/ca.crt

    Certificate provisioning for Forms 6i Server:

    Create wallet directory.
    #mkdir $COMMON_TOP/admin/certs/forms/
    #su – apple
    #cd $ORACLE_HOME/
    #xhost +
    #export DSIPLAY=
    #echo $DISPLAY(check display)
    #export THREADS_FLAG=native
    #cd bin/
    In wallet manager,Newselect No for promptcreate wallet password(oneapps123)OkYes.(A empty wallet created..) it will ask the following details.
    Common Name :visclone.oneapps.com
    Organizational unit :Forms
    Organization :oneAPPS
    Locality/City :Bangalore
    State Province :karanataka
    Country :IN
    Key size :512

    -Ok. It will show the message certificate was created submit Certificate Authority.Select wallet and check auto login check box is checked.Save in the

    location $COMMON_TOP/admin/certs/forms

    Submitting Certificate Request(CSR) to Certificate Authority(CA):

    Goto www.verisign.com and search for “trial certificate”.Copy and paste the .csr from the wallet to verisign and submit.

    Creating the server PEM-encoded certificate file

    Do the pre-requisites which is mentioned in e-mail, you need to follow only the first step(ROOT CA certificate)
    In first link you will get the ROOT CA certificate copy and save in a1.cer format in your local machine.
    Steps for Microsoft browser.
    2. open internet explorertoolsinternet optionscontentcertificatesimportnextselect file types all,select a1.ceropennextselect Automatically

    select the certificate store based on the type of the certificateOKfinishYes.
    Steps for firefox browsers:
    2. open firefoxtoolsoptionsAdvancedveiw certificatesAuthoritiesimporta1.ceropencheck trust this CA to identity websitesOk.

    Once you received the certificate save as forms_512.crt and ftp to server,
    ftp>cd $COMMON_TOP/admin/certs/forms
    ftp>put forms_512.crt

    Import User certificate in to Wallet Manager:

    In wallet manager OperationsImport user certificatescheck radio for select file contains the certificateOk. Give full path of certificate file where

    stored, /u01/oracle1/viscomn/admin/certs/forms/
    Highlight the forms_512.crtOk.(see the message at bottom certificate successfully imported).

    Got the error!
    User certificate import has failed because the CA certificate doesn't exist.
    Do you want to import a CA certificate now?
    Yescheck the radio button for select the file that contains the certificate/u01/oracle1/viscomn/admin/certs/forms/ and highlight the file CA_root.cerOk.

    Configuring SSL with HTTP server

    Make the changes in .xml file http to https
    #vi /u01/oracle1/visappl/admin/visclone_visclone.xml
    %s_webssl_port keep as 443(default)
    %s_active_webport 443
    %s_webport 443

    #vi /u01/oracle1/viscomn/html/bin/appsweb.cfg
    Edit scripts in the following location,
    #cd $SCRIPT_TOP/adfractl.sh
    f60ctl start port=$FORMS_PORT mode=https exe=f60webmx > $FRMLOG 2>/dev/null
    f60ctl start port=$FORMS_PORT mode=https exe=f60webmx > $FRMLOG 2>/dev/null

    Through OAMsitemapautoconfig>configuration wizardforms listener servlet enable
    OAMsitemapautoconfigconfiguration wizardsslenable

    Edit the file,
    #vi $COMMON_TOP/portal/visclone_visclone.xml/aplogon.html
    https://visclone.oneapps.com/oa_servlets/AppsLogin" target=_top (remove the web listener port)

    Clear the cache in this location,
    #sh $SCRIPT_TOP/adapcctl.sh stop (root user)
    #cd $COMMON_TOP/_pages
    #rm –f *
    #sh $SCRIPT_TOP/adapcctl.sh start (root user)

    Bounce all services once.
    If Apache is not starting try to start as a root user. And check the error for Apache logs.


    posted by Lokesh Babu @ 2:39 AM   0 comments
    Thursday, July 10, 2008


    --Instructions For Applying This Patch

    Execute the following command to generate your instance specific installation

    1. Source the Applications environment file
    2. Run the Patch Application Assistant by entering "admsi.pl".

    --Preparation Tasks

    The tasks in this section can be completed without taking any Applications services or users offline.

    --Pre-install Tasks

    You must shut down all Application tier services before performing the tasks in this section.

    AD.A Grants

    Run the adgrants.sql script as a user that can connect as SYSDBA to grant privileges to selected SYS objects and create PL/SQL profiler objects.


    1. Create $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/admin on the database server.

    2. Copy adgrants.sql (UNIX) from this patch directory to
    Or, copy adgrants_nt.sql (Windows) from this patch directory to

    3. Set the environment to point to ORACLE_HOME on the database server.

    4. Use SQL*Plus to run the script:

    $ sqlplus /nolog
    SQL> connect / as sysdba
    SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/admin/adgrants.sql

    C:\> sqlplus /nolog
    SQL> connect / as sysdba
    SQL> @%ORACLE_HOME%\appsutil\admin\adgrants_nt.sql

    --Apply patch

    You must apply critical patch 6767273 before applying the AD Mini pack. This patch can not be merged with the AD Mini pack and must be applied separately.

    Note: If you have not installed an off-cycle product, you may skip this step. To determine if your environment has an off cycle product, verify the following.

    * Check for prod.txt files located under the $APPL_TOP/admin directory.

    * For the products found in the directory, make sure there is an entry in the applprod.txt file located under the $APPL_TOP/admin directory

    * You must apply patch 6767273 if you have products not listed in the applprod.txt file.

    --Apply The Patch

    his patch contains the following unified driver file to be applied with
    u6510214.drv (This is the unified driver)

    --Post-install Tasks

    You must complete the tasks in this section before starting up Application tier services.


    posted by Lokesh Babu @ 5:44 AM   0 comments
    Replacing Jinitiator with Sun Java JRE for APPS
    PLATFORM : Red Hat Linux AS4
    DB :
    APPS :

    UPGRADING TO : JRE 1.6_05

    Download Interoperability patch 6863618

    Download the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 plug-in at, http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp

    Downloaded JRE Native plug-in file from jre-6_uX-windows-i586-p.exe and rename to j2se160x.exe
    (Where X = the version number. Using jre-6u5 as an example this would be j2se16005.exe)

    Move the j2se1600X.exe file to the web application tier and place it in [COMMON_TOP]/util/jinitiator

    Apply Developer 6i Patchset 18 ( 4948577 )

    unzip patch to $ORACLE_HOME
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/developer6i_patch18
    ./patch_install.sh 2>&1 | tee patch_install_p18.log

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/procbuilder60/lib; make -f ins_procbuilder.mk install
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/forms60/lib; make -f ins_forms60w.mk install
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/graphics60/lib; make -f ins_graphics60w.mk install
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/reports60/lib; make -f ins_reports60w.mk install

    cp developer6i_patch18/bin/genshlib $ORACLE_HOME/bin

    Additional Patches

    sh patch.sh
    adrelink.sh force=y "fnd f60webmx"


    unzip p4261542_600_GENERIC.zip

    cp -r $ORACLE_HOME/forms60/java/oracle/forms/handler/AlertDialog.class $ORACLE_HOME/forms60/java/oracle/forms/handler/AlertDialog.class.PRE_BUG4261542
    cp -r $ORACLE_HOME/forms60/java/oracle/forms/engine/Main.class $ORACLE_HOME/forms60/java/oracle/forms/engine/Main.class.PRE_BUG4261542

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/4261542/oracle/forms/engine
    cp Main.class $ORACLE_HOME/forms60/java/oracle/forms/engine/Main.class
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/4261542/oracle/forms/handler
    cp AlertDialog.class $ORACLE_HOME/forms60/java/oracle/forms/handler/AlertDialog.class

    Generate Product JAR Files ( adadmin )

    sh patch.sh

    sh patch.sh
    adrelink.sh force=y "fnd f60webmx"

    unzip p6195758_600_GENERIC.zip
    cp -r $ORACLE_HOME/forms60/java/oracle/forms/handler/UICommon.class $ORACLE_HOME/forms60/java/oracle/forms/handler/UICommon.class.PRE_BUG6195758
    cp -r $ORACLE_HOME/forms60/java/oracle/forms/handler/ComponentItem.class $ORACLE_HOME/forms60/java/oracle/forms/handler/ComponentItem.class.PRE_BUG6195758
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/6195758/oracle/forms/handler
    cp UICommon.class $ORACLE_HOME/forms60/java/oracle/forms/handler/UICommon.class
    cp ComponentItem.class $ORACLE_HOME/forms60/java/oracle/forms/handler/ComponentItem.class
    Generate Product JAR Files ( adadmin )

    sh patch.sh
    adrelink.sh force=y "fnd f60webmx"

    sh patch.sh

    unzip .zip
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/forms60/lib
    mv env_forms60.mk env_forms60.mk.PRE_BUG4586086
    cp $ORACLE_HOME/bug4586086/env_forms60.mk $ORACLE_HOME/forms60/lib
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/forms60/lib
    make -f cus_forms60w.mk libso_install
    adrelink.sh force=y "fnd f60webmx"

    relink - adadmin
    select 'Maintain Applications Files Menu' and then select 'Relink Applications Program'
    Enter list of products to link ('all' for all products)[all] : fnd
    Generate specific executables for each selected product [No] ? y
    Relink with debug information [No] ? n
    Enter executables to relink, or enter 'all' [all] : f60webmx ar60run ar60runb ar60rund *

    4888294 (adpatch )


    unzip p5884875_600_GENERIC.zip
    cp -r $ORACLE_HOME/forms60/java/oracle/forms/engine/Main.class $ORACLE_HOME/forms60/java/oracle/forms/engine/Main.class.PRE_BUG5884875
    cp -r $ORACLE_HOME/forms60/java/oracle/forms/handler/AlertDialog.class $ORACLE_HOME/forms60/java/oracle/forms/handler/AlertDialog.class.PRE_BUG5884875
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/5884875/oracle/forms/engine
    cp Main.class $ORACLE_HOME/forms60/java/oracle/forms/engine/Main.class
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/5884875/oracle/forms/handler
    cp AlertDialog.class $ORACLE_HOME/forms60/java/oracle/forms/engine/AlertDialog.class
    Run adadmin "Generate JAR Files"


    Apply the Patch Driver using adpatch
    Run the txkSetPlugin.sh script from the /6863618/fnd/bin/

    txkSetPlugin.sh 16005

    Start Oracle Applicatons and start using Java instead of Jinititor for Applets


    posted by Lokesh Babu @ 5:40 AM   0 comments

    $FND_TOP/patch/115/sql/afopp002.sql ( FND_CP_GSM_OPP_AQ Queue is Invalidated )


    perl install.pl appspwd=apps japwd=ja


    select count(*) from dba_objects where status='INVALID'

    exec sys.utl_recomp.recomp_parallel(8)

    select object_name, object_type from all_objects where object_name = 'DBMS_SUPPORT' and object_type like 'PACKAGE%' ;

    sqlplus apps/apps @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/dbmssupp.sql

    sqlplus apps/apps @ja_chk_stat.sql

    Note:382829.1 Usage of DFF in India Localization


    select owner, table_name from all_tables where table_name = 'JA_IN_INSTALL_CHECK_INFO_D' and owner = 'APPS' ;

    perl $JA_TOP/inpatch/indpatch.pl drvr_file=5498551.drv fnd_patchset=H appspwd=apps japwd=ja systempwd=manager

    perl compile_il_apps_obj.pl appspwd=apps

    sqlplus apps/apps @$JA_TOP/5498551/11_5_3/ja_in_match_lines_v.sql

    sqlplus apps/apps @$JA_TOP/5498551/11_5_3/ja_in_po_lines_tax_update_trg.sql

    sqlplus apps/apps @$JA_TOP/5498551/11_5_3/ja_in_tds_temp_after_insert_trg.sql


    create index ja_in_rcv_shipment_headers_n1 on rcv_shipment_headers(receipt_num);
    create index ja_in_rcv_transactions_n1 on rcv_transactions (rma_reference);


    create index ja_in_ra_customer_trx_all_n1 on ra_customer_trx_all(interface_header_attribute1, interface_header_attribute6);


    create index ja_in_mtl_transactions_n1 on mtl_material_transactions(rcv_transaction_id);

    FNDLOAD apps/apps 0 Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afffload.lct patch/115/import/US/AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_E.ldt

    cp backup/resource/CUSTOM.pll $AU_TOP/resource/CUSTOM.pll

    f60gen module=CUSTOM userid=apps/apps module_type=LIBRARY

    - Go to "Application Developer" Responsibility
    - Open View -> Requests
    - Click on "Submit New Request"
    - Click on "Single Request"
    - Enter "Generate Messages" in Name field
    - Enter the following parameters
    Language : US
    Application : Asia/Pacific Localizations
    Mode : DB_TO_RUNTIME
    - Click Ok and then Submit the request, ensure that request completes successfully

    Use "adadmin" utility to compile the menus


    perl $JA_TOP/inpatch/indpatch.pl drvr_file=6167056.drv fnd_patchset=H appspwd=apps japwd=ja systempwd=manager

    cp backup/resource/CUSTOM.pll $AU_TOP/resource/CUSTOM.pll

    f60gen module=CUSTOM userid=apps/apps module_type=LIBRARY


    perl $JA_TOP/inpatch/indpatch.pl drvr_file=6079063.drv fnd_patchset=H

    cp $JA_TOP/6410725/patch/115/import/*.lct $JA_TOP/patch/115/import

    perl $JA_TOP/inpatch/indpatch.pl drvr_file=6410725.drv fnd_patchset=H

    cp backup/resource/CUSTOM.pll $AU_TOP/resource/CUSTOM.pll

    f60gen module=CUSTOM userid=apps/apps module_type=LIBRARY

    Attach "India Local Project Billing" responsibility to application user


    perl compile_il_apps_obj.pl appspwd=apps

    perl $JA_TOP/inpatch/indpatch.pl drvr_file=6410766.drv fnd_patchset=H

    FNDLOAD apps/apps 0 Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afffload.lct patch/115/import/US/RCV_SHIPMENT_HEADERS_2_E.ldt - CUSTOM_MODE=FORCE

    i. To add the Custom responsibility:
    a. From the Oracle System Administrator menu, select Security > Responsibility > Define.
    b. Enter the following values.
    Responsibility Name : XXXXXXXXXX
    Application : iSupplier Portal
    Responsbility Key : XXXXXXXXXX
    Description : XXXXXXXXXX

    Available form(Radio button): Select the following
    (X) "Oracle Self Service Web Applications"

    Data Group:
    Name : Standard
    Application : iSupplier Portal

    Menu : "ILS iSupplier Portal New Application Menu" (Please note that this menu contains personalized IL functions)

    c. Apply Securing Attributes to Custom Responsibility

    There are three securing attributes that can be used to control access. These attributes
    are all seeded with the pre-defined Oracle iSupplier Portal responsibilities that are
    released with the product: (Please refer iSupplier implementation guide for details)

    ? ICX_SUPPLIER_ORG_ID - Identifier for the supplier.
    ? ICX_SUPPLIER_SITE_ID - Identifier for the supplier site.
    ? ICX_SUPPLIER_CONTACT_ID - Identifier for the supplier contact.

    1. Select Securing Attributes region in Responsibility form, search for the three securing attributes that have to be applied to this responsibility.
    2. When you have identified all the attributes to apply to this responsibility,
    select ICX_SUPPLIER_CONTACT_ID > click Values button and give ?9999,
    select ICX_SUPPLIER_SITE_ID > Click Values button and give -9999.

    d. Click Save.

    ii. Assign Responsibilities to Users
    a. From the Oracle System Administrator menu, select Security > User > Define.
    b. Enter the name of the user to whom you wish to grant the responsibility.
    c. In the Direct Responsibilities section, enter the custom responsibility in the
    Responsibility text box.
    d. Click Save.

    perl compile_il_apps_obj.pl appspwd=apps

    perl $JA_TOP/inpatch/indpatch.pl drvr_file=6410797.drv fnd_patchset=H

    i. To add the Custom responsibility:
    a. From the Oracle System Administrator menu, select Security > Responsibility > Define.
    b. Enter the following values.
    Responsibility Name : XXXXXXXXXX
    Application : Self-Service Web Applications
    Responsbility Key : XXXXXXXXXX
    Description : XXXXXXXXXX

    Available form(Radio button): Select the following
    (X) "Oracle Self Service Web Applications"

    Data Group:
    Name : Standard
    Application : Self-Service Web Applications

    Menu : "India Local Procurement home" (Please note that this menu contains personalized IL functions)

    d. Click Save.

    ii. Assign Responsibilities to Users
    a. From the Oracle System Administrator menu, select Security > User > Define.
    b. Enter the name of the user to whom you wish to grant the responsibility.
    c. In the Direct Responsibilities section, enter the custom responsibility in the
    Responsibility text box.
    d. Click Save.

    iii.Assign User Authorisations
    Two new Profiles specific to iProcurement for IL Support are added to System Profile Values to restrict tax modification and entry:
    a. ?IL: Access iProcurement Tax information? - Authority to modify IL taxes in iProcurement
    b. ?IL: Allow iProcurement RTV CENVAT Process? - Authority to claim CENVAT during iProcurement Return to Vendor transactions.
    c. Default values for these profiles are set to ?NO? implying No authorization.System Administrators should set the profile values to each iProcurement users with appropriate values to ensure the proper user authorization levels.



    perl $JA_TOP/inpatch/indpatch.pl drvr_file=6372361.drv fnd_patchset=H


    posted by Lokesh Babu @ 5:39 AM   0 comments
    Disk space requirements:
    Application node(Fresh & Vision database)- 28GB
    Database node for Fresh database - 45GB
    Database node for Vision demo database - 133GB
    Stage area size - 33GB

    Total Space for fresh Install - 73GB
    Total Space for Vision - 161GB

    Operating System Name Supported Version
    --------------------- ------------------
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0-Update 4/higher(32-bit)

    Kernel Requirements:
    The following table lists the required minimum
    kernel versions.
    Operating System :RedHat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 4.0
    Kernel Instructions:2.6.9-42.EL

    To determine version, $ uname - r

    Required Packages:

    Check required rpms installed or not (Eg : rpm –q glibc-2.3.4-2.25 )


    Sites to Download Rpms:


    Software Requirements:
    Check this Softwares installed. (Eg :which ar)

    Ar, gcc , g++ , ld , ksh, make, Xdisplay

    Kernel Settings:

    Set following kernel parameters in /etc/sysctl.conf

    set kernel.semmsl=256
    set kernel.semmns=32000
    set kernel.semopm=100
    set kernel.semmni=142
    set kernel.shmall=2097152
    set kernel.shmmax=2147483648(half of memory)
    set kernel.shmmni=4096
    set kernel.msgmax=8192
    set kernel.msgmnb=65535
    set kernel.msgmni=2878
    set fs.file-max=65536
    set net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range=1024 65000
    set net.core.rmem_default=262144
    set net.core.rmem_max=262144
    set net.core.wmem_default=262144
    set net.core.wmem_max=262144
    Domain Name System (DNS) Resolver Parameters:
    Following entries to these minimum settings in
    the /etc/resolv.conf file on each server node:

    options attempts:5
    options timeout:15

    Verifying Host Names:
    Verify that the /etc/hosts file is formatted
    as follows: localhost.localdomain localhost
    Eg: vis.oneapps.com vis
    Verify that the /etc/sysconfig/network file is formatted

    as follows:
    If the /etc/sysconfig/networking/profiles/default/network
    file exists, remove it. If you changed any files in the
    previous steps, restart the system.

    Modifying the Number of Open File Descriptors:

    Open the /etc/security/limits.conf file and change
    the existing values for "hard" and "soft" parameters as
    follows. Restart the system after making changes.

    * hard nofile 65535
    * soft nofile 4096
    * hard nproc 16384
    * soft nproc 2047

    Net Service Listeners in Multi-user Installations:

    $ chmod 777 /var/tmp/.oracle

    Creating the Stage Area Directory:

    Create directory for staging

    $cd /

    $mkdir stage

    Verify software version (perl).

    You must have perl 5.0053 or higher installed, and
    it must be in your PATH. Use the following commands
    to identify the perl version and its location. The
    command is the same for both UNIX and Windows platforms:

    $perl -v

    Mount the DVD

    Run the adautostg.pl script.

    $ perl /mnt/cdrom/Disk1/rapidwiz/adautostg.pl

    Before starting installation check rapidwiz version:

    Current Version of Rapid Install
    The most current version of the Rapid Install wizard
    is You can obtain this version by applying
    patch 5885627, available at OracleMetaLink. To verify
    your current version, use the RapidWizVersion
    executable, located in the rapidwiz directory on the
    Start Here DVD. For example:
    $ cd /Stage12/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz
    $ ./RapidWizVersion

    To update the Start Here DVD, uncompress the patch in
    the main staging area to overwrite the startCD
    For example:
    $ cd /Stage12
    $ unzip -o p5885627_R12_GENERIC.zip

    OS user account settings:

    Create group for user
    $groupadd dba
    $useradd –g dba oracle
    $useradd –g applmgr

    Change read write execute permission and ownership
    to directories where going to install application
    and database

    $chmod 777 /u01
    $chmod 777 /u02

    Start installation

    $ /stage/Stage12i/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/rapidwiz

    Screen Shots:

    Choose decline-->

    Choose the portpool-->

    Give database node information-->

    Choose license type-->

    Give application node information-->

    Here you can see the system architecture-->


    Metalink Note: 402310.1
    Oracle Applications Installation and Upgrade
    Notes Release 12 for Linux (32-bit)

    Metalink Note: 405565.1
    Oracle Applications Release 12 Installation

    Metalink Note: 405293.1
    Oracle Applications Release Notes Release 12



    posted by Lokesh Babu @ 5:36 AM   0 comments
    Linux How-To

    Although i have been working with Oracle Application all various Unix flavors my favorite one has been Linux. In today's post i will shift focus from Oracle Applications and discuss some tips for doing some frequently used tasks on the Operating System.

    This post is my first in a series of posts which i intend to put up here on the operating system. Although most of you would be using these quite frequently I just though of putting them in one place.

    Finding Your Linux Release
    The first set you would require to do most of the times as an Applications DBA before you start installing or troubleshooting is to find out the version of Linux you are running.
    This you can get from a static file redhat-release located in the /etc directory

    view /etc/redhat-release
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 2)

    NFS mounting on Linux

    Most often it is required to do a NFS mount of your disks across different servers. This particularly useful for doing Applications Installations and Patching. There are two aspects of configuration involved here. One is the sever that is the which is sharing the file system and the other is client which the host that is mounting the shared file system.

    Supposing you want to mount a u01/sam on Node_A to Node_B

    Configurations on Node_A
    edit the /etc/exports file
    vi /etc/exports
    add the filesystem to mount
    /u01/sam ro Node_B

    you can either use the option ro which means read only or in case you wish to allow node_b to write into the filesystem use the rw option which is read writeable.

    The change in exports file takes effect only after the restart of your NFS service daemon. use the service command to do that.

    # service nfs restart
    Shutting down NFS mountd: [ OK ]
    Shutting down NFS daemon: [ OK ]
    Shutting down NFS quotas: [ OK ]
    Shutting down NFS services: [ OK ]
    Starting NFS services: [ OK ]
    Starting NFS quotas: [ OK ]
    Starting NFS daemon: [ OK ]
    Starting NFS mountd: [ OK ]

    Configuration for Node_B
    On Node_B simply create the mount point to hold the shared file system and mount it using the mount command.

    #mkdir sam
    #mount -t nfs Node_A:/u01/sam /sam

    Setting Kernel Parameters

    Most oracle products require certain kernel parameters to be set as a pre requisite for installation. Common kernel parameters include parameters for shared memory .

    The /etc/sysctl.conf file takes care of your kernel parameters.
    #vi /etc/sysctl.conf
    kernel.shmmax = 2147483648
    kernel.shmmni = 128
    kernel.shmall = 2097152
    kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128
    fs.file-max = 65536
    net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65000

    However changes made to this file take effect only after the next reboot.

    The sysctl command can be used to set the kernel parameter at runtime in linux.

    sysctl -w kernel.shmmax=2147483648

    You must however make the change in the /etc/sysctl.conf so that it is permanent.

    Increasing the Swap space at runtime
    Imagine this, you start the OUI and your pre installation check fails due to insufficient swap space. Now I agree that you got to check all this before starting the installation but just in case you missed it. You could always increase it on the fly.

    Check the memory on your server
    # free -m
    total used free shared buffers cached
    Mem: 8117 3204 4913 0 77 2648
    -/+ buffers/cache: 478 7639
    Swap: 101 0 101

    Now say you need to increase it by 500 MB for your server, first locate a place you can spare this 500 MB in my case i found it in /u01

    Use the dd command to create a swapfile
    #cd /u01
    # dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1024 count=512000
    512000+0 records in
    512000+0 records out
    # ls -ltr
    drwx------ 2 root root 16384 May 1 2006 lost+found
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 524288000 Nov 28 13:58 swapfile

    Next issue the following two commands
    # mkswap swapfile
    Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 524283 kB
    # swapon swapfile

    Now check you memory again
    # free -m
    total used free shared buffers cached
    Mem: 8117 2176 5941 0 45 1975
    -/+ buffers/cache: 155 7962
    Swap: 601 0 601

    Bingo! here is your increased SWAP.

    To make this change permanent add the line in your etc/fstab
    /u01/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0


    posted by Lokesh Babu @ 5:27 AM   0 comments
    Installing 10G Application Server
    Installing 10G Application Server

    Last week i spent a considerable amount of time working on Oracle Application server configurations, i also revisited some of the installation of the core application server components. For starters i will blog with about the installation of Oracle Applications server.

    The Oracle Application Server is divided into two main server side components which are infrastructure and middle tier. Apart from there it also includes developer kits.

    These components can be installed on the same server but must have separate ORACLE_HOMEs. Also the infrastructure must be installed first after which you must install your middle tier components as the meta data repository is a part of the infrastructure installation.

    Another important fact to note is that the oracle application server uses 1521 port as default for its listener. In case the port is used by another listener on your system you must share it with this instance or you must manually configure the application server DB listener to use a different port.

    The OS is Redhat Linux AS
    The Version Of Oracle Application Server is

    1.Required OS packages
    The first step would be to make sure you have the following packages (or a higher version) installed


    For Linux you can use the rpm -qa|grep command to check.

    2. OS Directories
    Next we will make a directory structure to hold your application server components.

    # cd /u03
    # mkdir oracleAS
    # chmod -R 777 oracleAS

    3. OS User Accounts
    Having two seperate OS accounts for the infrastructure and middle tier comapnets make it easier to manage the installation.

    # useradd -g dba -d /u03/oracleAS/asinf asinf
    # useradd -g dba -d /u03/oracleAS/asmid asmid

    4.Oracle Inventory

    Make sure to set your oracle inventory location to a accessible location.

    vi /etc/oraInst.loc

    5. Starting the installation.
    The installation has to be started as the infrastructure user (asinf), but executing the runInstaller
    executable. The first screen is the welcome screen.

    6.In this screen you would specify your ORACLE_HOME for your infrastructure.

    7. The next screen presents you with the option of installing either of the application server
    componets as bloged above we will proceed with the installation of the infrastructure first.

    8.The next screen you can choose to install the Oracle Internet Directory, Single Sign On and Meta Data Repository, you could choose to make either of them or all of them included in your application server infrastructure.

    9.Next the installer will carry out a pre installation check of your OS.

    10. You must conform pre requisite as root privileges on your system.

    11. This screen will allow you to choose the services which the installer will configure and start for

    12. In this screen you can choose either to let the installer decide the ports for the various 10G
    Application server services or you can prove one manually using the static port file.

    13. This screen will display the default realm for your OID

    14. Here you can choose your database SID and also the location for your datafile locations.

    15.Next you specify the passwords for your database schema (Unfortunately it does not allow you to specify passwords for the PORTAL schema ;)

    16. In this screen you specify the your instance name and the ias_admin password.

    17. The next screen will display the components the installer will install.

    18. After this a progress bar displays the status of the installation, allowing you just enough time to catch up on your mails.

    19.As a post installation step the installer configures and starts up the installed products.

    20.You now can start with the installation of the middle tier component as the asmid OS user and choose to install the middle tier services like portal.

    21. The other steps are all repetitive except the screen where you have register your middle tier component with your OID which was installed as part of your infrastructure.

    There two important files that the installation process creates, the first is the portlist.ini located at the $ORACLE_HOME/install directory this file contains the various port numbers used by the application server services. The other file is the supportinfo.txt which contains the URLs to access the installation.


    posted by Lokesh Babu @ 5:23 AM   0 comments
    Apply ADI-6 Patch
    Apply ADI-6 Patch

    Download patch 6502082

    Open read me 233044.1

    Check for pre requisites

    • Before apply patch down the apps server and enable maintenance mode

    To check weather maintenance mode enabled

    select fnd_profile.value('APPS_MAINTENANCE_MODE') from dual;

    Before apply patch check for system requirements

    • Perl executable
    You must have the Perl executable (5.004 minimum; 5.005 perferred) in your PATH before you apply this minipack. You should have already installed Perl as part of your iAS ORACLE_HOME. See http://www.cpan.org for information on obtaining Perl.
    • FNDLOAD executable
    Ensure all application tier server nodes contain the FNDLOAD executable in the $FND_TOP/bin directory

    Unzip apps.zip under $JAVA_TOP on all application tier nodes, if you have not done so already.

    Convert to Multiple Organizations
    Oracle Applications strongly recommends that you convert to Multi-Org as soon as possible so that you will be prepared for improvements to performance across the E-Business Suite as well as support for Multi-Org Access Control.
    see Release 11i Use of Multiple Organizations in Oracle Applications (OracleMetaLink Document 210193.1). related doc284046 and 2451368

    Apply the Minipack
    Adpatch driver=.drv logfile=.log

    Check for invalid objects before applying patch and check after apply patch by using following command
    --To check the Invalid Objects
    SELECT count(1) FROM dba_objects WHERE status='INVALID';

    $FND_TOP /patch/115/sql/afoppool.sql (for compile queue objects)

    --To Recompile Invalid Objects

    Post-minipack Steps

    Step 1: Grant privileges and create PL/SQL profiler objects
    Run the adgrants.sql script as a user that can connect as SYSDBA to grant privileges to selected SYS objects and create PL/SQL profiler objects.
    1. Create $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/admin on the database server.
    2. Copy adgrants.sql (UNIX) from $APPL_TOP/admin to $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/admin. Or, copy adgrants_nt.sql (Windows) from %APPL_TOP%\admin to %ORACLE_HOME%\appsutil\admin.
    3. Set the environment to point to ORACLE_HOME on the database server.
    4. Use SQL*Plus to run the script:

    $ sqlplus /nolog
    SQL> connect / as sysdba
    SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/admin/adgrants.sql
    C:\> sqlplus /nolog
    SQL> connect / as sysdba
    SQL> @%ORACLE_HOME%\appsutil\admin\adgrants_nt.sql

    Step 2: Unzip apps.zip under $JAVA_TOP (conditionally required)
    If you have already unzipped apps.zip, go on to Step 3.
    Verify whether apps.zip has been unzipped. If the file exists in your $JAVA_TOP directory, it has not been unzipped. If it doesn't exist in $JAVA_TOP, it has already been unzipped.
    Step 3: Run AutoConfig


    posted by Lokesh Babu @ 5:16 AM   0 comments
    11I INSTALLATION( on Redhat Linux AS 4.0 (Multi Node ))
    Installation Instructions for Oracle Application Server on Redhat Linux AS 4.0 (Multi Node )

    Environment Name: REDHAT AS4 Machine:

    Configuration of machines and OS
    Configuration of Machines :-

    2 GB RAM
    150 GB HDD
    Pantium IV 3 GHZ
    DVD Rom

    Operation Systems :-

    Machine 1 :- apps01
    Windows 2000 professional (50 GB, Primary Partition FAT32 *)
    REDHAT Linx AS 4 (100 GB)

    Machine 2 :- apps02
    REDHAT Linx AS 4 (150 GB)

    Installation of OS

    Machine 1 :- apps01

    Windows 2000 professional

    - Install windows 2000 professional and create primary partition FAT32 so that you can mount on linux.
    - Apply service pack 4.0

    Redhat Linux AS 4.0

    - Create Mount points as follows

    Mount File system Size
    / Ext3 1GB
    /boot Ext3 122MB
    /ebis Ext3 79GB
    /home Ext3 1GB
    /opt Ext3 1GB
    /var Ext3 1GB
    /tmp Ext3 2G
    /swap Ext3 4GB
    /usr Ext3 10GB

    - Select everything in custom selection of packages.

    Machine 2 :- apps02

    - Create Mount points as follows

    Mount File system Size
    / Ext3 5GB
    /boot Ext3 122MB
    /ebis Ext3 114GB
    /home Ext3 6GB
    /opt Ext3 1GB
    /var Ext3 2GB
    /tmp Ext3 4G
    /swap Ext3 4GB
    /usr Ext3 10GB

    - Select everything in custom selection of packages during linux installations

    Staging on Windows 2000 professional – Machine 01

    1. Prerequisite

    - Install and configure IIS 5.0 or above. It is prerequisite to run perl
    - Download perl from www.perl.com and install it. This is prerequisite for staging.
    - Check the following DVD’s
     Oracle Application 11i Start Here Disk 1
     Oracle Application Rapid Install RDBMS Disk1
     Oracle Application Rapid Install Database Disk1 to Disk4
     Oracle Application Rapid Install Tools Disk1
     Oracle Application Rapid Install Appl_Top Disk 1 & Disk2

    2. Insert Oracle Application 11i Start Here Disk 1 in DVD ROM drive

    3. execute perl < DVDdrive>\mnt\cdrom\disk1\rapidwiz\adautostg.pl

    4. Setup the stage Area Direcoty

    At the prompt for the stage directory, enter the name of the system top-level
    directory. The Rapid wizard stage11i directory will be created in this path.
    5. When the script prompts select 1 (Oracle Applications) .
    6. Insert the correct DVD’s as prompted by script
    7. Staging will take approximately 25GB

    Staging on Redhat Linux 4.0 AS– Machine 02

    1. Check the following DVD’s
    • Oracle Application 11i Start Here Disk 1
    • Oracle Application Rapid Install RDBMS Disk1
    • Oracle Application Rapid Install Database Disk1 to Disk4
    • Oracle Application Rapid Install Tools Disk1
    • Oracle Application Rapid Install Appl_Top Disk 1 & Disk2

    2. Log in as Root and Check the current version of the perl installed

    perl –v

    it should be 5.8.5 or later
    3. Mount the dvd rom

    mount /dev/dvd /mnt/dvdrom

    4. execute perl < DVDdrive>/dev/dvd/mnt/cdrom/disk1/rapidwiz/adautostg.pl
    Setup the stage area At the prompt for the stage directory, enter the name of the system top-level directory. The Rapid wizard stage11i directory will be created in this path.
    5. When the scripts prompts select 1 (Oracle Applications)
    6. Insert the CD’s as prompted by the script
    (Note : even Automount enabled DVD has to be unmounted from and remounted

    umount /mnt/dvdrom
    umount /dev/dvd

    mount /dev/dvd /mnt/dvdrom and press enter

    Pre-Installation Steps
    Preparing the Operating systems for Oracle

    Check the following packages

    Required RPMS Installed RPMS
    • compat-db-4.1.25-9
    • compat-gcc-32-3.2.3-47.3
    • compat-gcc-32-c++-3.2.3-47.3
    • compat-oracle-rhel4-1.0-5
    • compat-libcwait-2.0-2
    • compat-libgcc-296-2.96-132.7.2
    • compat-libstdc++-296-2.96-132.7.2
    • compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-47.3
    • xorg-x11-deprecated-libs-devel-6.8.1-23.EL
    • xorg-x11-deprecated-libs-6.8.1-23.EL
    • openmotif21-2.1.30-11.RHEL4.4
    • libaio-0.3.102-1
    • libaio-devel-0.3.102-1 • compat-db-4.1.25-9
    • compat-gcc-32-3.2.3-47.3
    • compat-gcc-32-c++-3.2.3-47.3
    • compat-oracle-rhel4-1.0-5
    • compat-libcwait-2.0-2
    • compat-libgcc-296-2.96-132.7.2
    • compat-libstdc++-296-2.96-132.7.2
    • compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-47.3
    • xorg-x11-deprecated-libs-devel-6.8.1-23.EL
    • xorg-x11-deprecated-libs-6.8.1-23.EL
    • openmotif-2.2.3-6.RHEL4.2
    • libaio-0.3.102-1
    • libaio-devel-0.3.102-1

    The libaio components are available on Disk 3 of the RHEL4.0 media. For information on downloading the openmotif component, see the instructions at the following URL:

    1.1. After installing these patches, run ldconfig -v.
    (Note : ldconfig creates the necessary links and cache to the most recent shared libraries found in the directories specified on the command line, in the file /etc/ld.so.conf, and in the trusted directories (/lib and /usr/lib). The cache is used by the run-time linker, ld.so or ld-linux.so. ldconfig checks the header and file names of the libraries it encounters when determining which versions should have their links updated )

    1.2. Verify minimum Kernel Requirements with uname and rpm command,

    [root@vision ~]# uname -r
    [root@vision ~]# rpm -q glibc

    1.3. Domain Name System (DNS) Resolver Parameters
    Edit the following file /etc/resolv.conf and set the following parameters as below,
    options attempts:5
    options timeout:15

    (Note : The resolv.conf file resides in the /etc directory and contains the IPs of domain name servers that you will probably need if you are going to do anything on the internet.
    options :Allows certain internal resolver variables to be modified. The syntax is where option is one of the following
    timeout: n (IN SECONDS)
    sets the amount of time the resolver will wait for a response from a remote name server before retrying the query via a different name server.
    attempts: n
    sets the number of times the resolver will send a query to its name servers before giving up and returning an error to the calling application).

    1.4. Host names

    1.4.1. The format of hosts /etc/hosts file must be formatted as follows : localhost.localdomain
    (In apps01 hosts file make this entry and there should be entry for the other nodes which hosts the servers) apps01.oneapps.com local_host apps02.oneapps.com

    (In apps02 the following entries to the /etc/hosts file has to be added ) apps02.oneapps.com local_host apps01.oneapps.com

    Ping the remote machine with and hostname and check
    Comment the first line in the /etc/hosts file

    1.4.2. Verify that the /etc/sysconfig/network file is formatted as follows :

    Exi : HOSTNAME=apps01.oneapps.com

    ( Note : Make sure that your machines has static ip address)

    1.5. If the /etc/sysconfig/networking/profiles/default/network file exists, remove it.

    Note: If you changed any files in the previous steps, reboot the system.

    1.6. Modify number of open descriptors: in file /etc/security/limits.conf add the following lines:
    hard nofile 65535
    soft nofile 4096

    (.You can protect against certain types of denial of service attacks by modifying /etc/security/limits.conf. This file sets limits on system resources for each user.. The above setting limits the maximum number of files open)

    1.7. Change port range value : /etc/sysctl.config add the following line,

    net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65000

    1.8. Set LD_ASSUME_KERNEL in file /etc/profile


    1.9. Apply one of these OS library patches: 4198954 (for Red Hat 4.0), you can download it from metalink.

     The above patch contains compat_libcwait-2.0-2.i386.rpm, compat-oracle-rhel4-1.0.-5.i386.rpm
     After applying the compat-libcwait-2.0-2.i386.rpm move the libcwait.so - library from /usr/lib to /lib and modify the path in /etc/ld.so.preload

    2.0 Create a goup and two users one owner of database and other owner of oracle application

    groupadd dba
    useradd –g dba –G dba oracle
    useradd –g dba –G dba applmgr
    passwd oracle
    passwd applmgr

    Installation Steps
    Installation of database server
    Machine :- apps01

     Go to the following directory in your staging


    Press next for welcome screen

    Select Installation option

    Install Oracle Applications E-Business 11i

    Load Configuration


    Install Type


    Node Information

    Database :- apps01
    Administration :- apps01
    Concurrent Manager :- apps01
    Application :- apps02
    Web:- apps02

    Define Database type

    Fresh Database ( PROD)

    Database install information( Folder or Mount point)
    Database install information
    Oracle OS User :- oracle
    Oracle OS Group :- dba
    Base Install Directory :- /ebis
    Select Licensing Type
    E-business Suite Licensing
    Select Language
    American English
    Character Set
    Port Pool
    Configuration File path.

    Follow the installation step upto completion of installation.

    Application Server Installation.
    Machine :- apps02
     Copy the configuration file from apps01.

    ssh apps01.oneapps.com cat /tmp/config.txt > /tmp /config.txt

     Go to the following directory in your staging


    Press next for welcome screen

    Select Installation option

    Install Oracle Applications E-Business 11i

    Load Configuration


    Install Type


    Node Information

    Database :- apps01
    Administration :- apps01
    Concurrent Manager :- apps01
    Application :- apps02
    Web:- apps02

    Define Database type

    Fresh Database ( PROD)

    Database install information( Folder or Mount point)
    Database install information
    Oracle OS User :- oracle
    Oracle OS Group :- dba
    Base Install Directory :- /ebis
    Select Licensing Type
    E-business Suite Licensing
    Select Language
    American English
    Character Set
    Port Pool
    Configuration File path.

    Follow the installation step upto completion of installation.

    Include a subset of test steps that will confirm that the customization has been installed properly.

    Post- Installation Steps

    Apply patch 4632932 to all the application tiers, then re-source the applications environment file to refresh the environment variables. This patch is required for setting the values for LD_ASSUME_KERNEL and LD_PRELOAD.
    Steps to Apply this patch

    1. Connect as user applmgr on Application server
    2. download patch 4632932 from metalink
    3. Create a directory called patch in /ebis and unzip downloaded patch in this directory
    4. Run adadmin utility and put the database into maintenance mode (type adadmin at shell prompt and it will guide you to put the application in maintenance mode .
    5. Apply the patch using adpatch utility
    6. After applying the patch disable the maintenance mode
    7. Repeat the same on the host where the Database server installed


    posted by Lokesh Babu @ 4:34 AM   0 comments
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    Name: Lokesh Babu
    Home: Bangalore, Karnataka, India
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