Thursday, July 10, 2008 |
$FND_TOP/patch/115/sql/afopp002.sql ( FND_CP_GSM_OPP_AQ Queue is Invalidated )
6491231 -------
perl install.pl appspwd=apps japwd=ja
5498551 ----------
select count(*) from dba_objects where status='INVALID'
exec sys.utl_recomp.recomp_parallel(8)
select object_name, object_type from all_objects where object_name = 'DBMS_SUPPORT' and object_type like 'PACKAGE%' ;
sqlplus apps/apps @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/dbmssupp.sql
sqlplus apps/apps @ja_chk_stat.sql
Note:382829.1 Usage of DFF in India Localization
select owner, table_name from all_tables where table_name = 'JA_IN_INSTALL_CHECK_INFO_D' and owner = 'APPS' ;
perl $JA_TOP/inpatch/indpatch.pl drvr_file=5498551.drv fnd_patchset=H appspwd=apps japwd=ja systempwd=manager
perl compile_il_apps_obj.pl appspwd=apps
sqlplus apps/apps @$JA_TOP/5498551/11_5_3/ja_in_match_lines_v.sql
sqlplus apps/apps @$JA_TOP/5498551/11_5_3/ja_in_po_lines_tax_update_trg.sql
sqlplus apps/apps @$JA_TOP/5498551/11_5_3/ja_in_tds_temp_after_insert_trg.sql
create index ja_in_rcv_shipment_headers_n1 on rcv_shipment_headers(receipt_num); create index ja_in_rcv_transactions_n1 on rcv_transactions (rma_reference);
create index ja_in_ra_customer_trx_all_n1 on ra_customer_trx_all(interface_header_attribute1, interface_header_attribute6);
create index ja_in_mtl_transactions_n1 on mtl_material_transactions(rcv_transaction_id);
FNDLOAD apps/apps 0 Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afffload.lct patch/115/import/US/AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_E.ldt
cp backup/resource/CUSTOM.pll $AU_TOP/resource/CUSTOM.pll
f60gen module=CUSTOM userid=apps/apps module_type=LIBRARY
- Go to "Application Developer" Responsibility - Open View -> Requests - Click on "Submit New Request" - Click on "Single Request" - Enter "Generate Messages" in Name field - Enter the following parameters Language : US Application : Asia/Pacific Localizations Mode : DB_TO_RUNTIME - Click Ok and then Submit the request, ensure that request completes successfully
Use "adadmin" utility to compile the menus
6167056 ----------
perl $JA_TOP/inpatch/indpatch.pl drvr_file=6167056.drv fnd_patchset=H appspwd=apps japwd=ja systempwd=manager
cp backup/resource/CUSTOM.pll $AU_TOP/resource/CUSTOM.pll
f60gen module=CUSTOM userid=apps/apps module_type=LIBRARY
6079063 --------
perl $JA_TOP/inpatch/indpatch.pl drvr_file=6079063.drv fnd_patchset=H
6410725 ------ cp $JA_TOP/6410725/patch/115/import/*.lct $JA_TOP/patch/115/import
perl $JA_TOP/inpatch/indpatch.pl drvr_file=6410725.drv fnd_patchset=H
cp backup/resource/CUSTOM.pll $AU_TOP/resource/CUSTOM.pll
f60gen module=CUSTOM userid=apps/apps module_type=LIBRARY
Attach "India Local Project Billing" responsibility to application user
6410766 --------
perl compile_il_apps_obj.pl appspwd=apps
perl $JA_TOP/inpatch/indpatch.pl drvr_file=6410766.drv fnd_patchset=H
FNDLOAD apps/apps 0 Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afffload.lct patch/115/import/US/RCV_SHIPMENT_HEADERS_2_E.ldt - CUSTOM_MODE=FORCE
i. To add the Custom responsibility: --------------------------------- a. From the Oracle System Administrator menu, select Security > Responsibility > Define. b. Enter the following values. Responsibility Name : XXXXXXXXXX Application : iSupplier Portal Responsbility Key : XXXXXXXXXX Description : XXXXXXXXXX Available form(Radio button): Select the following (X) "Oracle Self Service Web Applications" Data Group: Name : Standard Application : iSupplier Portal Menu : "ILS iSupplier Portal New Application Menu" (Please note that this menu contains personalized IL functions) c. Apply Securing Attributes to Custom Responsibility There are three securing attributes that can be used to control access. These attributes are all seeded with the pre-defined Oracle iSupplier Portal responsibilities that are released with the product: (Please refer iSupplier implementation guide for details) ? ICX_SUPPLIER_ORG_ID - Identifier for the supplier. ? ICX_SUPPLIER_SITE_ID - Identifier for the supplier site. ? ICX_SUPPLIER_CONTACT_ID - Identifier for the supplier contact. 1. Select Securing Attributes region in Responsibility form, search for the three securing attributes that have to be applied to this responsibility. 2. When you have identified all the attributes to apply to this responsibility, select ICX_SUPPLIER_CONTACT_ID > click Values button and give ?9999, select ICX_SUPPLIER_SITE_ID > Click Values button and give -9999. d. Click Save. ii. Assign Responsibilities to Users ----------------------------------------- a. From the Oracle System Administrator menu, select Security > User > Define. b. Enter the name of the user to whom you wish to grant the responsibility. c. In the Direct Responsibilities section, enter the custom responsibility in the Responsibility text box. d. Click Save.
6410797 -------- perl compile_il_apps_obj.pl appspwd=apps
perl $JA_TOP/inpatch/indpatch.pl drvr_file=6410797.drv fnd_patchset=H
i. To add the Custom responsibility: --------------------------------- a. From the Oracle System Administrator menu, select Security > Responsibility > Define. b. Enter the following values. Responsibility Name : XXXXXXXXXX Application : Self-Service Web Applications Responsbility Key : XXXXXXXXXX Description : XXXXXXXXXX
Available form(Radio button): Select the following (X) "Oracle Self Service Web Applications"
Data Group: Name : Standard Application : Self-Service Web Applications
Menu : "India Local Procurement home" (Please note that this menu contains personalized IL functions)
d. Click Save.
ii. Assign Responsibilities to Users -------------------------------- a. From the Oracle System Administrator menu, select Security > User > Define. b. Enter the name of the user to whom you wish to grant the responsibility. c. In the Direct Responsibilities section, enter the custom responsibility in the Responsibility text box. d. Click Save.
iii.Assign User Authorisations -------------------------- Two new Profiles specific to iProcurement for IL Support are added to System Profile Values to restrict tax modification and entry: a. ?IL: Access iProcurement Tax information? - Authority to modify IL taxes in iProcurement b. ?IL: Allow iProcurement RTV CENVAT Process? - Authority to claim CENVAT during iProcurement Return to Vendor transactions. c. Default values for these profiles are set to ?NO? implying No authorization.System Administrators should set the profile values to each iProcurement users with appropriate values to ensure the proper user authorization levels.
6372361 --------
6053828 6030861
perl $JA_TOP/inpatch/indpatch.pl drvr_file=6372361.drv fnd_patchset=HLabels: Apps 11i |
posted by Lokesh Babu @ 5:39 AM   |
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Name: Lokesh Babu
Home: Bangalore, Karnataka, India
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