11I INSTALLATION( on Redhat Linux AS 4.0 (Multi Node )) |
Thursday, July 10, 2008 |
Installation Instructions for Oracle Application Server on Redhat Linux AS 4.0 (Multi Node )
Environment Name: REDHAT AS4 Machine:
Configuration of machines and OS Configuration of Machines :-
2 GB RAM 150 GB HDD Pantium IV 3 GHZ DVD Rom
Operation Systems :-
Machine 1 :- apps01 Windows 2000 professional (50 GB, Primary Partition FAT32 *) REDHAT Linx AS 4 (100 GB) Machine 2 :- apps02 REDHAT Linx AS 4 (150 GB)
Installation of OS
Machine 1 :- apps01 Windows 2000 professional - Install windows 2000 professional and create primary partition FAT32 so that you can mount on linux. - Apply service pack 4.0
Redhat Linux AS 4.0
- Create Mount points as follows
Mount File system Size / Ext3 1GB /boot Ext3 122MB /ebis Ext3 79GB /home Ext3 1GB /opt Ext3 1GB /var Ext3 1GB /tmp Ext3 2G /swap Ext3 4GB /usr Ext3 10GB
- Select everything in custom selection of packages.
Machine 2 :- apps02
- Create Mount points as follows
Mount File system Size / Ext3 5GB /boot Ext3 122MB /ebis Ext3 114GB /home Ext3 6GB /opt Ext3 1GB /var Ext3 2GB /tmp Ext3 4G /swap Ext3 4GB /usr Ext3 10GB
- Select everything in custom selection of packages during linux installations
Prerequisite Staging on Windows 2000 professional – Machine 01
1. Prerequisite
- Install and configure IIS 5.0 or above. It is prerequisite to run perl - Download perl from www.perl.com and install it. This is prerequisite for staging. - Check the following DVD’s Oracle Application 11i Start Here Disk 1 Oracle Application Rapid Install RDBMS Disk1 Oracle Application Rapid Install Database Disk1 to Disk4 Oracle Application Rapid Install Tools Disk1 Oracle Application Rapid Install Appl_Top Disk 1 & Disk2
2. Insert Oracle Application 11i Start Here Disk 1 in DVD ROM drive
3. execute perl < DVDdrive>\mnt\cdrom\disk1\rapidwiz\adautostg.pl
4. Setup the stage Area Direcoty At the prompt for the stage directory, enter the name of the system top-level directory. The Rapid wizard stage11i directory will be created in this path. 5. When the script prompts select 1 (Oracle Applications) . 6. Insert the correct DVD’s as prompted by script 7. Staging will take approximately 25GB
Staging on Redhat Linux 4.0 AS– Machine 02
1. Check the following DVD’s • Oracle Application 11i Start Here Disk 1 • Oracle Application Rapid Install RDBMS Disk1 • Oracle Application Rapid Install Database Disk1 to Disk4 • Oracle Application Rapid Install Tools Disk1 • Oracle Application Rapid Install Appl_Top Disk 1 & Disk2
2. Log in as Root and Check the current version of the perl installed
perl –v
it should be 5.8.5 or later 3. Mount the dvd rom
mount /dev/dvd /mnt/dvdrom
4. execute perl < DVDdrive>/dev/dvd/mnt/cdrom/disk1/rapidwiz/adautostg.pl Setup the stage area At the prompt for the stage directory, enter the name of the system top-level directory. The Rapid wizard stage11i directory will be created in this path. 5. When the scripts prompts select 1 (Oracle Applications) 6. Insert the CD’s as prompted by the script (Note : even Automount enabled DVD has to be unmounted from and remounted umount /mnt/dvdrom umount /dev/dvd mount /dev/dvd /mnt/dvdrom and press enter
Pre-Installation Steps Preparing the Operating systems for Oracle
Check the following packages
Required RPMS Installed RPMS • compat-db-4.1.25-9 • compat-gcc-32-3.2.3-47.3 • compat-gcc-32-c++-3.2.3-47.3 • compat-oracle-rhel4-1.0-5 • compat-libcwait-2.0-2 • compat-libgcc-296-2.96-132.7.2 • compat-libstdc++-296-2.96-132.7.2 • compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-47.3 • xorg-x11-deprecated-libs-devel-6.8.1-23.EL • xorg-x11-deprecated-libs-6.8.1-23.EL • openmotif21-2.1.30-11.RHEL4.4 • libaio-0.3.102-1 • libaio-devel-0.3.102-1 • compat-db-4.1.25-9 • compat-gcc-32-3.2.3-47.3 • compat-gcc-32-c++-3.2.3-47.3 • compat-oracle-rhel4-1.0-5 • compat-libcwait-2.0-2 • compat-libgcc-296-2.96-132.7.2 • compat-libstdc++-296-2.96-132.7.2 • compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-47.3 • xorg-x11-deprecated-libs-devel-6.8.1-23.EL • xorg-x11-deprecated-libs-6.8.1-23.EL • openmotif-2.2.3-6.RHEL4.2 • libaio-0.3.102-1 • libaio-devel-0.3.102-1
The libaio components are available on Disk 3 of the RHEL4.0 media. For information on downloading the openmotif component, see the instructions at the following URL: https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2005-412.html
1.1. After installing these patches, run ldconfig -v. (Note : ldconfig creates the necessary links and cache to the most recent shared libraries found in the directories specified on the command line, in the file /etc/ld.so.conf, and in the trusted directories (/lib and /usr/lib). The cache is used by the run-time linker, ld.so or ld-linux.so. ldconfig checks the header and file names of the libraries it encounters when determining which versions should have their links updated )
1.2. Verify minimum Kernel Requirements with uname and rpm command,
[root@vision ~]# uname -r 2.6.9-5.ELsmp [root@vision ~]# rpm -q glibc glibc-2.3.4-2
1.3. Domain Name System (DNS) Resolver Parameters Edit the following file /etc/resolv.conf and set the following parameters as below, options attempts:5 options timeout:15
(Note : The resolv.conf file resides in the /etc directory and contains the IPs of domain name servers that you will probably need if you are going to do anything on the internet. options :Allows certain internal resolver variables to be modified. The syntax is where option is one of the following timeout: n (IN SECONDS) sets the amount of time the resolver will wait for a response from a remote name server before retrying the query via a different name server. attempts: n sets the number of times the resolver will send a query to its name servers before giving up and returning an error to the calling application).
1.4. Host names
1.4.1. The format of hosts /etc/hosts file must be formatted as follows : localhost.localdomain . (In apps01 hosts file make this entry and there should be entry for the other nodes which hosts the servers) apps01.oneapps.com local_host apps02.oneapps.com
(In apps02 the following entries to the /etc/hosts file has to be added ) apps02.oneapps.com local_host apps01.oneapps.com
Ping the remote machine with and hostname and check Comment the first line in the /etc/hosts file
1.4.2. Verify that the /etc/sysconfig/network file is formatted as follows : HOSTNAME=.
Exi : HOSTNAME=apps01.oneapps.com
( Note : Make sure that your machines has static ip address)
1.5. If the /etc/sysconfig/networking/profiles/default/network file exists, remove it.
Note: If you changed any files in the previous steps, reboot the system.
1.6. Modify number of open descriptors: in file /etc/security/limits.conf add the following lines: hard nofile 65535 soft nofile 4096
(.You can protect against certain types of denial of service attacks by modifying /etc/security/limits.conf. This file sets limits on system resources for each user.. The above setting limits the maximum number of files open)
1.7. Change port range value : /etc/sysctl.config add the following line,
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65000
1.8. Set LD_ASSUME_KERNEL in file /etc/profile
1.9. Apply one of these OS library patches: 4198954 (for Red Hat 4.0), you can download it from metalink.
The above patch contains compat_libcwait-2.0-2.i386.rpm, compat-oracle-rhel4-1.0.-5.i386.rpm After applying the compat-libcwait-2.0-2.i386.rpm move the libcwait.so - library from /usr/lib to /lib and modify the path in /etc/ld.so.preload
2.0 Create a goup and two users one owner of database and other owner of oracle application
groupadd dba useradd –g dba –G dba oracle useradd –g dba –G dba applmgr passwd oracle passwd applmgr
Installation Steps Installation of database server Machine :- apps01
Go to the following directory in your staging /ebis/Stage11i/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz
Press next for welcome screen
Select Installation option
Install Oracle Applications E-Business 11i
Load Configuration
Install Type
Node Information Database :- apps01 Administration :- apps01 Concurrent Manager :- apps01 Application :- apps02 Web:- apps02
Define Database type
Fresh Database ( PROD)
Database install information( Folder or Mount point) /ebis Database install information Oracle OS User :- oracle Oracle OS Group :- dba Base Install Directory :- /ebis Select Licensing Type E-business Suite Licensing Select Language American English Character Set Default Port Pool Default Configuration File path. /tmp/config.txt
Follow the installation step upto completion of installation.
Application Server Installation. Machine :- apps02 Copy the configuration file from apps01.
ssh apps01.oneapps.com cat /tmp/config.txt > /tmp /config.txt
Go to the following directory in your staging /ebis/Stage11i/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz
Press next for welcome screen
Select Installation option
Install Oracle Applications E-Business 11i
Load Configuration
Install Type
Node Information Database :- apps01 Administration :- apps01 Concurrent Manager :- apps01 Application :- apps02 Web:- apps02
Define Database type
Fresh Database ( PROD)
Database install information( Folder or Mount point) /ebis Database install information Oracle OS User :- oracle Oracle OS Group :- dba Base Install Directory :- /ebis Select Licensing Type E-business Suite Licensing Select Language American English Character Set Default Port Pool Default Configuration File path. /tmp/config.txt
Follow the installation step upto completion of installation.
Include a subset of test steps that will confirm that the customization has been installed properly.
Post- Installation Steps
Apply patch 4632932 to all the application tiers, then re-source the applications environment file to refresh the environment variables. This patch is required for setting the values for LD_ASSUME_KERNEL and LD_PRELOAD. Steps to Apply this patch
1. Connect as user applmgr on Application server 2. download patch 4632932 from metalink 3. Create a directory called patch in /ebis and unzip downloaded patch in this directory 4. Run adadmin utility and put the database into maintenance mode (type adadmin at shell prompt and it will guide you to put the application in maintenance mode . 5. Apply the patch using adpatch utility 6. After applying the patch disable the maintenance mode 7. Repeat the same on the host where the Database server installedLabels: Apps 11i |
posted by Lokesh Babu @ 4:34 AM   |
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Name: Lokesh Babu
Home: Bangalore, Karnataka, India
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